Water Shutoff

Nowadays most of oil and gas fields are mature, with highly watered yield and low oil and gas recovery factor. Due to this fact the issue of water influx restraining in producing wells is really essential.

The company is empowered with a range of technologies, well-established at the Ukrainian and foreign oilfields. Selective water-shutoff fluids, polymer OSC-based squeezing materials of selection effect, conventional cement slurries for water shut-off etc. are among them.

First of all, precise data on zone and type of water influx is required to ensure effective water shut-off. If such data is unavailable, a geophysical survey is performed in order to obtain the data on water influx nature. Following interpretation of available logging data and detailed analysis of well information, Region’s experts develop a concept of water shut-off operations. Typically, prior to opt the operating procedure the company’s specialists perform core and drill cuttings laboratory analysis.

Water shut-off operational procedure essentially depends on the type of certain technology; however typical flow chart of operations is as follows:

● Selective water shut-off fluid, prepared on surface beforehand, is injected into perforation interval;● The well is shut-in for the period of WOC time (1-3 days);● Getting into the water-bearing channels, the fluid settles down and blocks them, whereas in the hydrocarbon-bearing channels it remains dynamic and consequently is easily lifted out by the formation fluid.